Friday, May 31, 2013

As the school year comes to an end and I fumble through trying to get ready for my trip to Indonesia and Southeast Asia, I had a wonderful teaching experience.  Today I got to watch my High School students hold an Asthma workshop at an East Harlem elementary school.  It was such a delight to watch my students interact and teach youth in their community!  These are the moments we teach for!!  :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A fellow TGC teacher showed me this website; it provides a list of books specific to where ever your travels may take you.  Always good to read up on your destination, and to READ, READ, READ :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Learning Through Conversation

Ok, Ok, I did not get all my shopping done, but I did get some fun goodies for my students in Indonesia :), but more importantly, I had the opportunity to speak with a Vietnam Veteran today!  I truly feel that hearing first hand accounts of history are the best way to learn, and I had that wonderful learning experience today!  I hope everyone got to speak with a Veteran today, and got the chance to absorb their knowledge and empathize with their experience.  

Getting Ready for Indonesia!...or at least trying

Oh Boy!  So much to do, so little time!  I find myself one week away from one of the largest trips I have ever taken, and while I am frantically trying to cross my t's and dot my i's, I think the best preparation is to clam down, be flexible, be adaptive, and get ready for a genuine learning experience.

Last year I began the Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, and now I am just days away from my field experience as an educator in Ogan Ilir, Indonesia.  I will be traveling with 11 other amazing educators from all over the United States.  We will be learning about the culture of Indonesia, and we will immerse ourselves in their education system during our time there.
I will be flying from Jakarta in Java to Palembang, Sumatra with a fellow TGC member, Jaqueline, a Biology teacher from Mississippi.  From Palembang we will be traveling with our host to her school in Ogan Ilir.
So today is the the first official post for my blog!  I am happy to have it started, and excited to keep updating my adventures!  As for today's Memorial Day Adventure...SHOPPING!  Not for me :) I will be staying with a family during my time in Ogan Ilir and need to find the perfect gift.  Wish me luck!